
🎙Yoshi SENSEI🎙

Best-selling author teacher
1682회 비즈니스 일본어 수업 완료


일본어원어민 수준
영어C1 상급
중국어원어민 수준
🎙About Teacher Yoshika aka OK sensei🎙 👉 Born and raised in Shizuoka, Japan. 👉 Bilingual Japanese and Chinese mother tongue teacher 👉I am the host of my Podcast OK Japanese where you can find me on “OK日文” . 👉I’ve written 2 books ≪世界最強日文文法≫ and≪圖解真正用得到的日文≫. 👉I am an experienced teacher; I’ve been teaching for more than 15 years. I’ve been worked in Global village, and other famous language center. I also teach in high schools in Taipei and Central Bank of Taiwan and also an instructor of many companies. 👉I graduated from National Chengchi University. I got my Bachelor degree in Chinese literature and Master degree in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language. 👉My teaching area including, job interview, resume writing, study abroad interview, permission document writing, Japanese essay proofreading. 👉I am a translator, and also an interpreter. 🏆Top score🏆 ・over 500 students pass the JLPT from N5 to N1 ・I will provide you old exam answering skill and teach you grammar. ・I’ve been teaching students how to write permission document to enter a Japanese University. My students were admitted in University of Ochanomitsu, University of Japan, University of Nagoya, and other famous elite Universities. ・I work for students who has needs to study aboard, I also an agency to counsel students who want to study aboard. 📚Teaching material📚: ・I provide all the teaching material to students. ・You can also use your own material, I can design your own lessons. ・I’ve been teaching for years, I can provide you past exam material, and I also have lots of learning resources. ・I also teach you with multiple topics: such as games, animation, Japanese drama. 📢Gojūon 五十音 ・basic hiragana, katakana, pronunciation class ・I will teach you how to pronounce Japanese character in a right way. ・I will teach you how to write Japanese character in a right way. 📒Basic class ・material: there are 3 choices. (you can choose by your own) (1)”文化初級日本語”printed by大新書局 (2) handouts by teacher Yoshika (3) Your own books such as, Minna no Nihongo etc. ・You can learn ”how to use particle, transformation of Verb, Genre of Verb, transformation of Adjective etc. 🎓Conversation class ・I will discuss with you in the trail class, after counseling, I will customize your own class. ・Level N5:we can discuss the teaching contain and topic before the class starts. I will use the certain pattern to teach conversation. ・Level N4 to N3:I will prepare the exclusive handouts for you. Meanwhile I will use other reading material to discuss in the class. We can talk together in different topic, such as Japanese drama and animation. ・Level N2 to N1:teacher Yoshika edit a special material for you. We can also use magazine, news to discuss in the class. ・Dialogue topic for all levels:animation, Japanese drama, game. ・Student centered teaching style:I will design the most suitable conversation contain for you. 👩‍🎓JLPT preparation ・I teach JLPT exam level from N5 to N1 ・I will give you an efficient way to study and lead you a direction. ・You can learn grammar and how to solve difficult question of the exam. ・Design a study plan for you. ・exclusive: I will give you past exam materials. 🗾Travel in Japan ・Surviving Japanese for your daily life. ・I will introduce interesting sightseeing spot and delicious food to you. ・Arrange a traveling schedule for you. ・exclusive: teacher Yoshika special designed teaching handouts. 👔Business Japanese ・customized class for each student ・basic: special handouts for business conversation. I will teach you the transformation of Honorific speech in Japanese. You will learn the business vocabulary, and how to write business email. ・medium: medium level material. I will teach you how to write a business letter which is not email. ・I will teach you how to talk with your customer instead of business conversation, you will also be able to talk in an easy going way with your client. ⛩Customized class⛩ ・I will design a suitable class for each student. ・Helping them to fine a certain way to learn. ・I will design a “ what you really want” material to fit each student ・I teach translation, proofreading, job interview, interpreter course etc. (if you have any idea no hesitation to contact me.) ・You can also have a fun class in my lesson. I will use game, animation, drama as the topic for your class. 👺Teacher Yoshika aka OK sensei’s teaching style: I provide a happy and harvest lesson for you. I will cheer you up in my class. ✨It’s very usual to get lost when you are learning a new language. I will guide you to a right way.✨ 🔺Notice🔺 1.Please be on time (only waited in 10 minutes) 2. Canceling the lessons 12 hours before is free of charge, otherwise 50 percent will be deducted from your account. 3.teacher OK aka Yoshika will make a lesson record for each students before and after class. 4.any question? Feel free to message me.
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기타 수업 시간
5회 이상 시 추가 혜택이 있습니다. 우측 하단에서 가격을 확인하시거나 장바구니에서 선택하세요!


전체 시간 표시

403 개의 비즈니스 일본어강의평가

  • Adamchung92
    8월 26, 2023
    由N3 自學合格後,因為有感再學上去考N2會很難,本來就有獨學時就聽OK老師的Podcast,剛好在AT看到老師竟然有授課,立刻馬上報名。 只能說這是我一生人做得最好的決定。這3到4個月,每周只上一堂課的情況下,我居然N2 合格,還比N3 的分數高出不少,並且在文法和閱讀這兩份卷也考得滿分。沒有OK老師的話,單靠底子不好的我是沒有可能做到的。 老師在教授文法時講解非常清晰。因為老師是日語母語者,往往能用母語者的思維拆解複雜的文法,而且老師表達能力和反應力都非常高,很快就知道學生不解的地方,並迅速糾正和給予指導。 日檢以外碰到的日語問題,老師都一一耐心解答,甚至一起在課上看我自己遇到但看不懂的日語youtube影片! 以後一定還會繼續跟OK老師學習日語,希望幾個月後N1 也能合格!太感謝老師的指導了!
  • Nelson Li
    2월 28, 2023
    1. 對於如何才能讓日文實力更為進步,給予非常精確的方向。 2. 對於表達不夠精準的詞句,會即時糾正。 3. 為學生量身訂做課程,補足學生想學的部分及不足之處。 4. 每堂課都收穫良多,並期待下一堂課程的到來。
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3 개의 일본어 학습 스토리

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수강생 평점



  • 2012 - 2022 Language Workshop
  • 2006 - 2021 日文老師
  • 2011 - 2015 地球村
  • 2011 - 2022 台北市 新北市各大高中日文社團
  • 2011 - 2022 台北各大公司、企業 日文社團
  • 2015 - 2016 SUBLIME TECHNIQUE


  • 2007 - 2011 國立政治大學 中國文學系

  • 2012 - 2022 Language Workshop
  • 2006 - 2021 日文老師
  • 2011 - 2015 地球村
  • 2011 - 2022 台北市 新北市各大高中日文社團
  • 2011 - 2022 台北各大公司、企業 日文社團
  • 2015 - 2016 SUBLIME TECHNIQUE
  • 2007 - 2011



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예약 방법

  • 강의 구매 후 선생님의 강의 스케줄에 표시된 시간에 수업을 신청하세요.
  • 『바로 수업 가능』이라고 표시되어 있다면, 즉시 수업을 예약할 수 있어요.
  • 그렇지 않다면 24시간 이후의 수업부터 예약할 수 있어요.


  • 맛보기 수업 시간은 약 25분입니다
  • 정규 수업 시간은 25분 혹은 50분입니다
  • 정규 수업 5회 이상 구매 시 추가 할인이 있습니다. (선생님의 수강료에 따라 상이)


  • 수업 10분 전 사이트에 들어가, 『나의 강의실』내에서 수강할 수업을 찾은 뒤 『교실 들어가기』를 선택하면 ZOOM이 시작되고 수업을 시작할 수 있습니다
  • 휴대폰, PC 모두 ZOOM을 이용해 수업을 들을 수 있습니다. (휴대폰에 미리 ZOOM 어플리케이션을 설치해 주세요)

환불 참고 사항

  • 수업 중 문제가 발생하면 『문제신고』를 클릭하세요. 선생님이 다시 예약을 하거나 AT코인으로 환불해드려요.
  • 선생님이 12시간 내에 답장을 하지 않을 경우, 시스템에서 당신에게 자동으로 AT코인을 환불해드려요.
예약 방법
  • 강의 구매 후 선생님의 강의 스케줄에 표시된 시간에 수업을 신청하세요.
  • 『바로 수업 가능』이라고 표시되어 있다면, 즉시 수업을 예약할 수 있어요.
  • 그렇지 않다면 24시간 이후의 수업부터 예약할 수 있어요.
  • 맛보기 수업 시간은 약 25분입니다
  • 정규 수업 시간은 25분 혹은 50분입니다
  • 정규 수업 5회 이상 구매 시 추가 할인이 있습니다. (선생님의 수강료에 따라 상이)
  • 수업 10분 전 사이트에 들어가, 『나의 강의실』내에서 수강할 수업을 찾은 뒤 『교실 들어가기』를 선택하면 ZOOM이 시작되고 수업을 시작할 수 있습니다
  • 휴대폰, PC 모두 ZOOM을 이용해 수업을 들을 수 있습니다. (휴대폰에 미리 ZOOM 어플리케이션을 설치해 주세요)
환불 참고 사항
  • 수업 중 문제가 발생하면 『문제신고』를 클릭하세요. 선생님이 다시 예약을 하거나 AT코인으로 환불해드려요.
  • 선생님이 12시간 내에 답장을 하지 않을 경우, 시스템에서 당신에게 자동으로 AT코인을 환불해드려요.

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