안녕하세요. 1:1로 배우는 재미있는 외국어, 어메이징토커 입니다.
영어 회화로 인한 고민에 빠져 계시다면 어린 아이가 영어를 배우는 것처럼 영어 문장을 통째로 습득 해 보는 것은 어떨까요? 자주 쓰는 생활 영어 문장을 익히는 것만으로도 회화의 첫 말문을 떼는 데 아주 큰 도움을 받을 수 있습니다.
오늘은 어메이징토커가 다양한 상황에서 활용할 수 있는 영어 문장 100가지를 소개해 드릴게요.
쉬운 목차
Toggle일상에서 자주 쓰이는 영어 문장 20개
- How was your day? 오늘 하루 어땠니?
ex) How was your day? I was the best.
- What’s the weather like? 날씨가 어때?
ex) How is the weather? It’s so hot here.
- What are you going to do? 무엇을 할 건데?
ex) What are you going to do? I will read a book.
- Take your time, please. 천천히 하세요.
ex) I’m not busy. Take your time, please.
- That is what I’m saying. 내 말이 그 말이야.
ex) That’s what I’m saying. I was really surprised!
- Is there a hotel in this area? 이 지역에 호텔이 있습니까?
ex) Is there a hotel in this area? I had it until last year.
- I don’t know what to say. 무슨 말을 해야할지 모르겠어.
ex) I really don’t know what to say. I’m sorry.
- I’m about to leave. 막 출발하려던 참이야.
ex) I’m about to leave. Please hold for a moment.
- Did you clean up in here? 네가 여기 청소했어?
ex) Did you clean this place? It’s really clean.
- Have you heard of it? 그 이야기 들어봤어?
ex) Have you heard of that? I was the only one who didn’t know.
- Please take me to the market. 나를 마트로 데려다 줘.
ex) Please take me to the mart on the way to the hospital.
- Why are you dressed up? 왜 옷을 잘 차려 입었어?
ex) Who are you meeting today? Why are you dressed up?
- Who’s your favorite movie stars? 네가 좋아하는 영화배우는 누구야?
ex) Who’s your favorite movie star? I like the main character of Spider-Man.
- Would you like to have some coffee? 커피 좀 드시겠어요?
ex) Would you like some coffee? Or do you want some water?
- You seem to be tired. 네가 피곤한 것 같아.
ex) seem to be tired. Why don’t you go home?
- I’m in good shape. 난 건강해.
ex) I’m in good shape. Don’t worry. 난 건강해. 그러니 걱정하지마.
- I think we need to talk about it. 내 생각에 우리 이야기를 해봐야 할 것 같아.
ex) Do you really think so? Well, I think we need to talk about it.
- I’d rather not do that. 그건 하지 않는 편이 좋을 것 같아.
ex) It’s too late today. I’d rather not do that.
- Hear me out 내 말 끝까지 들어봐.
ex) You’re misunderstanding right now. Hear me out.
- I am free today. 난 오늘 한가해.
ex) I am free today. Can I visit your house?
![영어문장, 여행영어](https://blog.amazingtalker.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/영어-문장-1-1024x683.jpg)
여행에서 자주 쓰이는 영어 문장 20개
- Can I take this on the plane? 이 물건 기내 반입이 가능한가요?
ex) Can I take this on the plane? I didn’t know what it was about.
- I’d like to book a flight to Paris. 파리행 비행기를 예약하고 싶어요.
ex) I’m in a really hurry right now. I’d like to book a flight to Paris.
- Round-trip please. 왕복 티켓으로 주세요.
ex) Round-trip please. That’s cheaper, right?
- I left my key in the room. 제 방에 키를 두고 나왔어요.
ex) Please help me. I left my key in the room.
- What’s the fare to the hotel? 호텔로 가는 요금은 얼마인가요?
ex) What’s the fare to the hotel? Can I pay with my card?
- Keep the change. 잔돈은 괜찮습니다.
ex) Keep the change. Thank you.
- Excuse me, We’re ready to order. 실례합니다, 주문 할게요.
ex) Excuse me, We’re ready to order. We’d like this pasta and salad, please.
- Can I get a to-go box? 남은 음식을 싸 갈 수 있을까요?
ex) Can I get a to-go box? I wasn’t able to eat a lot because I was full.
- Where can I find a taxi? 택시는 어디에서 탈 수 있죠?
ex) Where can I find a taxi? I can’t find it because it’s raining.
- Do you offer student discounts? 학생 할인이 되나요?
ex) Do you offer student discounts? I’m attending university.
- Let’s take a picture together. 같이 사진 찍어요.
ex) Let’s take a picture together. After that, I’ll share it with you on my cell phone.
- Where is the information center? 관광안내소는 어디에 있나요?
ex) Where is the information center? I think it’s near here, but I can’t find it.
- It was really fun. 정말 재미있었어요.
ex) Thanks for the help. ) It was really fun.
- How much is the admission fee? 입장료는 얼마인가요?
ex) How much is the admission fee? I heard that admission is cheaper during the week.
- What are opening hours? 몇 시부터 몇 시까지 하나요?
ex) What are opening hours? I really want to enjoy it properly.
- Take the shortest way, please. 제일 빠른 길로 가주세요.
ex) I’m late right now. Take the shortest way, please.
- What should I bring? 미리 준비해야 할 것이 있나요?
ex) What should I bring? Do I need an ID card like a passport?
- I need tourist information. 관광 정보가 필요해요.
ex) I need tourist information. It’s my first time traveling here.
- Is there a free restroom around here? 근처에 무료 화장실이 있나요?
ex) Is there a free restroom around here? I only watched it for a fee.
- Can I film this? 여기서 촬영을 해도 돼요?
ex) Can I film this? I want to post it on my SNS.
쇼핑에서 자주 쓰이는 영어 문장 20개
- Where do they sell cosmetics? 화장품 매장이 어디에요?
ex) Where do they sell cosmetics? I’m looking for lipstick.
- Which floor is the electronics section? 전자제품 매장은 몇 층 이에요?
ex) Which floor is the electronics section? I’m on the first floor right now.
- Can I touch it? 만져봐도 될까요?
ex) Can I touch it? It sure is beautiful.
- They are new arrivals. 이건 신상품 이에요.
ex) They are new arrivals. It’s much more luxurious than before.
- This is the only type. 이건 한 종류밖에 없어요.
ex) I’m sorry, sir. This is the only type.
- Could you show me some other colors? 다른 색도 보여주실 수 있어요?
ex) It’s really pretty. Could you show me some other colors?
- Do you have this item in other size? 다른 사이즈도 있나요?
ex) This is a little small. Do you have this item in other size?
- I will think about it a little more. 좀 더 생각해 볼게요.
ex) It’s more expensive than I thought. I will think about it a little more.
- Is this the sale price? 이거 세일 가격인가요?
ex) Is this the sale price? I heard there’s a sale since yesterday.
- The price is all right. 가격 괜찮네요.
ex) The price is all right. I really like it.
- Can I get a receipt? 영수증 주시겠어요?
ex) Can I get a receipt? I haven’t received it yet.
- I don’t’ think I got the right change. 거스름돈이 틀린 것 같아요.
ex) Please look at this again. I don’t’ think I got the right change.
- Please wrap these separately. 따로 포장해 주세요.
ex) Please wrap these separately. I’m going to give each other a gift.
- I want to exchange it for a smaller size. 더 작은 사이즈로 바꾸고 싶어요.
ex) I want to exchange it for a smaller size.
- Can I get a refund? 환불 받을 수 있나요?
ex) Can I get a refund? I don’t like the quality.
- Do you offer delivery service? 배달 해 주시나요?
ex) It’s too heavy to carry around. Do you offer delivery service?
- I didn’t buy books. 전 책은 사지 않았어요.
ex) I think you know something wrong. I didn’t buy books.
- It’s a present for someone elderly. 연세 드신 분께 선물하려 해요.
ex) Do you have other colors? It’s a present for someone elderly.
- I’ll come back another time. 다음에 올게요.
ex) I’ll come back another time. Thank you.
- Can I try this on? 입어봐도 되나요?
ex) It looks small. Can I try this on?
직장에서 자주 쓰이는 영어 문장 20개
- Please find the information attached. 첨부되었던 그 정보를 찾아주세요.
ex) There are so many files that it’s hard to find. Please find the information attached.
- Would you mind sending me the program draft you mentioned? 당신이 언급했던 그 프로그램 초안을 보내주실 수 있을까요?
ex) Would you mind sending me the program draft you mentioned? Our team leader wants to see it.
- I’m afraid we need to delay our meeting. 죄송하지만 우리의 미팅을 미뤄야 하겠습니다.
ex) I have a personal situation. Sorry, I’m afraid we need to delay our meeting.
- Let me know if that works for you. 그게 당신에게 괜찮은지 알려주세요.
ex) Let me know if that works for you. If it’s too hard, please feel free to tell me.
- I really apologize for the last minute change. 막바지에 변경하게 되어서 정말 죄송합니다.
ex) We changed it through a meeting within our team. I really apologize for the last minute change.
- That’s fine. Let’s reschedule it. 괜찮습니다. 다시 스케쥴 잡죠.
ex) That’s fine. Let’s reschedule it. When do you like next week?
- I’ll leave it here for you guys to connect. 두 분이서 이야기 나누시도록 전 가보겠습니다.
ex) I’ll leave it here for you guys to connect. It was nice to see you today.
- It’s a great pleasure to connect with you. 당신과 연결되어서 정말 반갑습니다.
ex) My colleague told me a lot about you. It’s a great pleasure to connect with you.
- Look forward to working with you. 당신과 일하는 것을 기대합니다.
ex) You’re going to work from next week, right? Look forward to working with you.
- Please keep in mind the following key points. 다음의 주요 포인트를 유의해 주세요.
ex) Please keep in mind the following key points. This is the answer.
- Please refer to our website more information. 더 많은 정보를 위해 저희 웹사이트를 참고해 주세요.
ex) Please refer to our website more information. I’ll send you the address right away.
- We are very satisfied with your cooperation and your support. 우리는 당신의 협력과 지원에 매우 만족하고 있습니다.
ex) We are very satisfied with your cooperation and your support. I would like to express my gratitude on behalf of my colleagues.
- As soon as I know the result, I will let you know. 결과를 알게 되면 바로 말씀드리겠습니다.
ex) Thank you for waiting. As soon as I know the result, I will let you know.
- I hope you find this helpful. 당신에게 도움이 되기를 바랍니다.
ex) This is a very important data. I hope you find this helpful.
- I’m afraid I cannot make it on Tuesday. How about Friday? 안타깝게도 제가 화요일은 안됩니다. 금요일은 어떠세요?
ex) Oh, sorry for that. I’m afraid I cannot make it on Tuesday. How about Friday?
- This email is the reminder in regards to the contract that we sent you on September. 이 것은 우리가 당신에게 보낸 계약서에 관해 상기시켜 드리는 메일입니다.
ex) Your attention, please. This email is the reminder in regards to the contract that we sent you on September.
- Is it possible to bring our meeting forward to 4pm? 우리 회의를 4시로 앞당겨도 될까요?
ex) Is it possible to bring our meeting forward to 4pm? A guest is supposed to come at 5 o’.
- The parts in red are my feedback. 빨간색 글씨가 제 피드백 입니다.
ex) The parts in red are my feedback. Please read it and let me know again.
- I hope you had a good holiday. 좋은 연휴를 보내셨기를 바랍니다.
ex) It’s a new year! I hope you had a good holiday.
- Thank you for giving us feedback on our new product. 우리의 신제품에 대해 피드백 주셔서 감사해요.
ex) Thank you for giving us feedback on our new product. Your feedback will be of great help to us.
학교에서 자주 쓰이는 영어 문장 20개
- Could you speak louder? 좀 더 크게 말해 주시겠어요?
ex) I can hear your voice quietly. Could you speak louder?
- I have a question. 질문 있어요.
ex) Can I ask the teacher? I have a question.
- What do you mean by that? 그게 무슨 뜻인가요?
ex) I don’t really understand. What do you mean by that?
- I cannot hear you, teacher. 선생님 목소리가 들리지 않아요.
ex) I cannot hear you, teacher. Please speak louder.
- Can you see me? 제가 보이나요?
ex) The students in the back! Can you see me?
- Are you ready for our lesson? 수업 준비 되었나요?
ex) Are you ready for our lesson? Shall we get started?
- What did you do after school? 학교 끝나고 뭐했어?
ex) What did you do after school? I met my friend and went to a cafe.
- Do you have the book? 책 가지고 있나요?
ex) Do you have the book? Open page 50.
- Can you tell me the answer? 답변해 볼까요?
ex) Who knows? Can you tell me the answer?
- Listen carefully. 잘 들어보세요.
ex) I’m going to play this sentence once. Listen carefully.
- Listen and repeat. 잘 듣고 따라해 보세요.
ex) Listen and repeat. Should we say it out loud?
- Please study hard for the next lesson. 다음 수업을 위해 열심히 공부하세요.
ex) Reviewing is important. Please study hard for the next lesson.
- Please read the next page. 다음 페이지를 읽어보세요.
ex) Please read the next page. It has important information written on it.
- Good job. 잘했어요.
ex) Such a nice kid! Good job.
- Who can write it on the board? 누가 칠판에 써 볼 사람?
ex) Who can write it on the board? Please come forward.
- Did you get it? 알아들었나요?
ex) Did you get it? If you don’t know, I’ll explain it again.
- I’ll give you a clue. 힌트를 줄게요.
ex) Was the question too hard? I’ll give you a clue.
- Does anyone know what this is in English? 이것이 영어로 뭔지 아는 사람?
ex) Does anyone know what this is in English? Raise your hand please.
- Can you say it? 말할 수 있겠어요?
ex) Can you say it? Let’s give it a try.
- I’ll give you an example. 예를 들어 드릴게요.
Do you understand what I mean? I’ll give you an example.
AmazingTalker와 함께 한 영어 문장, 어떠셨나요?
열심히 연습한 이 문장을 직접 현지인과 대화로 나눠보고 싶다면 지금바로 어메이징토커에 접속하세요. 빠르게, 그리고 즐겁게 영어 문장을 내 것으로 만들 수 있는 특별한 방법입니다!
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