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북경관화원어민 수준
영어B1 중급
중국어원어민 수준
***************🎀Why choose Mr. Zhu Zhu?🎀*************** ❤️Bachelor of Chinese Language and Literature, Graduate of Business Administration, Sichuan University ❤️Hold the national Chinese teacher certificate and the second-class certificate of Putonghua. ❤️Registered international intermediate Chinese teacher ❤️6 years experience in teaching Chinese. ❤️Perfect combination of teaching content and animation ❤️Immersive Chinese thinking ❤️One-on-one training for weaknesses *****************🎀 Reading Comprehension course 🎀****************** ❤️ Through intensive reading, analyze, use and consolidate words in a large number of reading, unconsciously learn to standardize words and sentences, accumulate more words; ❤️ Learn answering skills, combining speaking and practicing, drawing inferences from one another, covering narrative, ancient poetry, fab and fairy ta , expository texts, novels, actual practice, that is to learn and practice, easily cope with the exam; ❤️ Method is more important than effort. Use the question stem to find the answer quickly: How to contact the context to explain words, find out the center distance of the article, analyze the basic order of the article, how to divide the paragraph, summarize the general idea of the paragraph, feeling, enlightening class answer skills, sketch article answer skills, answer skills of the type of artic , expository class article answer skills, central idea summary methods, in-depth analysis of the article title, punctuation mark in the article role, ring The function of environment description, how to summarize the main content of the article, analysis of fab , analysis of fairy ta , answer skills of poetry appreciation, etc. ❤️P1: Understand the general idea of the text in relation to the actual life, understand the people and things in the sentence by dividing the words of the article, use the illustrations to speculate the time people and things. Grasp the characteristics of things through keywords, draw the content into images to understand the details of the article, use the title to speculate the content, grasp the function of greeting cards and the information delivered, make a simple evaluation of the behavior of the characters, appreciate the observation and imagination in the article, find out the causal relationship of things, appreciate the characteristics of the animals described in ancient poems, grasp the words and ideas of the characters in the article, the similarities between things and imagination The characters' mood and feelings. ❤️P2: Understand the characteristics of paragraphs, understand the main points of the story, understand the relationship between paragraphs and sentences, appreciate the rich association and imagination of the work, understand the time sequence of things, find out the key words, master the function of invitation card and the message delivered, the function of E-mail and the message delivered, the beginning and the end of things, the plot of the story, summarize people from the behavior of the characters The character of objects, evaluate the behavior of characters, feel the artistic conception of ancient poems, grasp the thoughts and feelings of characters, appreciate the beautiful language and vivid images in the works, understand the description of the action of characters in the artic , grasp the function of web pages and the information delivered. ❤️P3: Understanding the six elements of a narrative essay, understanding the general idea of a paragraph, understanding the content of a letter to find out the purpose of the letter, understanding the author's observation and imagination of things, understanding the function of flashback, understanding the meaning of a paragraph, understanding the role of appearance and action description, mastering the function of a press release and the information conveyed, mastering the narrative clues of a travel note, understanding the general idea of a paragraph and the relationship between paragraphs, understanding The features of exposits, appreciate the rich imagination in ancient poems, use six ways to understand the content, according to the main idea of the article to find out the key paragraphs, list tab , help to understand the content, grasp the function of the poster and the message. ❤️P4: Understand the general idea of the contents of the diary, understand the effect of the first and last echoes, the effect of psychological and linguistic description, the effect of the step method, the plot and development of fairy ta , the technique of highlighting the characters with events, the allegory, the function of the total technique, the function of multi-sensory description, the experience of the thoughts and feelings expressed by the poet, the function of examp and quotes, and master the text The arrangement of detailed and short writing, the role of dynamic and static descriptions, the function of greeting cards and the message. ❤️P5: Understanding the role of direct and indirect depictions of characters, organizing reading materials by means of excerpts and summaries, using six methods to understand weekly notes, the role of scene description from different perspectives, the role of distant and close description, the role of definition and data description, evaluating characters' character and behavior, grasping the function and message of posters, the role of overall and partial description Analysis and evaluation of the author's argument, the general meaning and implication of the story, the role of lyricism, situational analysis of information, understanding the three elements of argumentative essay, the function of the circular and the message conveyed. ❤️P6: Understand figurative techniques, grasp the information conveyed by practical texts, the descriptive order of things, experience the thoughts and feelings expressed by poets, grasp the temporal and spatial order of expository texts, grasp the process of novel plots and the evaluation of the character and behavior of fictional characters, the role of lyricism, grasp the function of E-mail and the information conveyed, deduce the information conveyed by artic , according to the work Clues to make inferences, to speculate on the hidden meaning of the text, to understand the general meaning of the myth, to illustrate and cite the role of the argument, the position and theory of the text, the emotion expressed in the text, to read the content of the French letter in style. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 🎀 🎀 Chinese writing course * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ❤️P1: narrative: two prime sentences, three prime sentences, four prime sentences, write the characteristics of things, describe the characteristics of the characters, sequential narration, language description, association, write the mood and feelings of the characters, look at the picture and make sentences; Greeting cards; Reference essay topics: "Cloud", "Go to the park", "quarrel with my family", "Typhoon", "One night of power failure"; ❤️P2: Narrative writing: the way to write a story, explain the characteristics of things in an orderly way, expand the thinking from viewpoints, clearly explain the cause, process and result of things, continue to write a story; Description: character description, sensory description, appearance description, language description, action description; Invitation card; An apology card. Reference composition title: "parent-child activities", "inoculation", "*** self-statement", "My home is a zoo", "a plant", "the first time to learn ***", "*** birthday", "*** park", "My neighbor", "helpful ***". ❤️P3: Narrative article: flashback method, narrative clues of travel notes, six He method; Description: from different ang to describe things, physical description, action description, language description, use association and imagination to describe natural scenery, through examp to describe characters; Direct lyricism; Expository text: A brief description of something. ❤️P4: Diary: narrative: beginning to end echo, step method, continue the story, write the moral of the story; Description: psychological description, through examp to describe the character, multi-sensory description, dynamic description and static description, description in the process of appropriate interspersed narrative and silent writing; Expository text: Use the overall method to organize content, examp and quotes; Reference essay topics: "Visiting a Museum", "A relative I admire", "The experience of a hike", "The King's New Clothes", "An interesting friend", "Unity is strength", "an important electrical appliance", "a special eating experience", "A beneficial insect", "The pet I most want to keep", "Our Name". ❤️P5: Narrative: describes the character image; Weekly journal; Description text: from different ang to describe the scene, distant description and close description, overall description and local description; Expository text: definition and numerical description, classification description; Argumentative essay: thinking from multiple ang , comparing similarities and differences, writing arguments and arguments, writing logical arguments; Lyric: borrow things lyric. Reference composition title: "My mother", "Hong Kong strange stone", "*** park", "visible architectural miracle", "an unforgettable tourist attraction", "life good helper", "whether students need to wear uniforms to school", "treasure in the heart", "the most suitable for doing sports", "close to the red, close to the ink black", "talk about the waste on the table"; ❤️P6: Expository text: figurative illustration, chronological and spatial sequence illustration; A hierarchical description of objects or things; Lyric text: direct lyric and borrow scenery lyric, borrow things lyric, borrow things lyric; To rewrite the ending of a story; Argumentative essays: positive and negative arguments, reasoning by case, examp and citing arguments, expressing positions and writing arguments to support one's own views. Speech: Speech format that expresses emotion through narration and description. Reference composition title: "Interesting astronomical phenomena", "My favorite historical buildings", "I miss you", "a musical instrument", "New edition", "the treasure that *** sent me", "too late to regret", "on white lies", "the power of unity", "curiosity and learning", "on the way to make friends", "graduation speech". * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 🎀 Chinese basic course 🎀 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ❤️P1: continuous verb, adjective, interrogative, homophone, period, comma, stop, quantifier synonym, antonym synonym, continuation four elements, exclamation sentence, onomatopoeia, 's poem, colon, quotation marks, allegory, compound sentence, simile, paragraph, narrative, demonstrative pronoun, paragraph, etc.; ❤️P2: verb, compound sentence, personal pronoun, repetition, causal compound sentence, proper name, compound sentence of transition, compound word, narrative text, adjective, predicate sentence, temporal auxiliary word, anthropomorphic word, synonym and antonym, predicate sentence, direct and paraphrase sentence, syntactic word, homophone, quantifier, Structural auxiliary word, hypothetical compound sentence, continuing compound sentence, invitation card, title, Letter, radicals, ancient poems, Simile, rhetorical question, paragraph, narrative six elements, etc. ❤️P3: Progressive compound sentence, rhetorical question, modal auxiliary word, language, synonyms, book names, interjections, interrogative and rhetorical questions, dashes, diary, onomatopoeia, metaphor and personification, positive and negative sentences, semicolon, adverb, compound sentence, flashback, biography, antonyms, exposits, quantifiers, adjectives, imperative sentences, ill sentences, polyphonics, posters, idioms, travel notes, duals, Letter, punctuation, narrative six elements, etc.; ❤️P4: sympathy card, weekly notes, ellipses, sentence patterns, coloration words, contrast, compound sentences, general idea of paragraphs, synonyms, synonyms and antonyms, parallelism and repetition, multiple compound sentences, travel notes, classical function words, duality, idioms, interrogatives, rhetorical and rhetorical questions, quantifiers, repetition, adverbs, descriptive text, polysemous words, passive sentences, mistakes, punctuation, parentheses, notes, kua Zhang, absolute poems, connective words, descriptive methods, conditional complex sentences, rhetorical questions, etc.; ❤️P5: Descriptive method, double quotation marks, interjection, metaphor, simile, descriptive method, quantifier, character description, commendatory terms, derogatory terms and neutral words, idiom, contrast and metaphor, ancient poetry, repeated words, description of dry concepts, interrogatives, rhetorical questions and rhetorical questions, connective words, proverbs and allegorical words, six elements of narration, synonyms and antonyms, stylistic discrimination, punctuation, foil, sentence General idea of paragraphs, multiple compound sentences, argumentative essays, active and passive sentences, flashbacks, classical allegories, paragraphs, quotation marks, etc. ❤️P6: pronouns, parts of speech, metonymy, synonyms, letters, expository text, absolute poetry, rhythmic poetry, descriptive text, rhetoric, related words, stylistic discrimination, repetition, new poetry, word order, sentence, Double negative Bureau, diary and weekly journal, quantifier, descriptive text, idiom, argumentative essay, duality, Classical Chinese, adverb, idiom, choice of compound sentence, illustrative method, direct and indirect lyric, rhetoric , character description, sentence structure, etc. 🐶 Come join My Trial Class! 🐶 What to expect in this 25-min trial❓ ➡️ Plot your learning journey with me! ➡️ A detailed analysis of your current level ➡️ A problem-solving mini- son ➡️ Valuable learning methods to stop wasting time! ❗️Classroom Ru ❕ ↘️ Bring your pen and a notebook to collect useful expressions in class. ↘️ Always check your connection and devices before class starts. ↘️ Cancel the class 24 hours before class. If you have to cancel a class within 24 hours, be sure you notify me through What’s App/AT Chat
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13 개의 북경관화강의평가

  • Geni
    3월 15, 2023
    Very enthusiastic teacher making sure I learn to pronounce correctly
  • win lau
    3월 29, 2023
    very professional
모두 13 개의 강의평가 보기

수강생 평점



  • 2021 - 2022 Fast Chinese 語言培訓學校
  • 2021 - 2022 Preply線上中文平台
  • 2019 - 2021 緬甸華僑大學華文學院
  • 2003 - 2019 四川省中國青年旅行社/四川中和天下國際旅行社
  • 2001 - 2003 四川省開江縣長嶺鎮中心小學


  • 1997 - 2001 四川大學 文學係

  • 2008 - 2010 四川大學 工商管理

자격증과 증명서

  • 小學教師資格證書

  • 普通話證書

  • 2021 - 2022 Fast Chinese 語言培訓學校
  • 2021 - 2022 Preply線上中文平台
  • 2019 - 2021 緬甸華僑大學華文學院
  • 2003 - 2019 四川省中國青年旅行社/四川中和天下國際旅行社
  • 2001 - 2003 四川省開江縣長嶺鎮中心小學
  • 1997 - 2001



  • 2008 - 2010



자격증과 증명서
  • 小學教師資格證書

  • 普通話證書

자주 묻는 질문

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예약 방법
  • 강의 구매 후 선생님의 강의 스케줄에 표시된 시간에 수업을 신청하세요.
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  • 맛보기 수업 시간은 약 25분입니다
  • 정규 수업 시간은 25분 혹은 50분입니다
  • 정규 수업 5회 이상 구매 시 추가 할인이 있습니다. (선생님의 수강료에 따라 상이)
  • 수업 10분 전 사이트에 들어가, 『나의 강의실』내에서 수강할 수업을 찾은 뒤 『교실 들어가기』를 선택하면 ZOOM이 시작되고 수업을 시작할 수 있습니다
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환불 참고 사항
  • 수업 중 문제가 발생하면 『문제신고』를 클릭하세요. 선생님이 다시 예약을 하거나 AT코인으로 환불해드려요.
  • 선생님이 12시간 내에 답장을 하지 않을 경우, 시스템에서 당신에게 자동으로 AT코인을 환불해드려요.

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