What does snitches get stitches mean?

18개 답변

What do snitches get stitches mean?


Let’s break it down:

Firstly, the word SNITCHES = means a person that is a “tattletale” or likes to tell your secrets to others.

Similar words to a snitch are a rat, an informer or betrayer.


This is grandma SNITCHING!!

Snitching When someone tells on you - Disapproving Grandma | Make a Meme



Secondly, the word STITCHES = means a loop of thread or yarn you get into your flesh, with a needle, after an injury. Usually performed by a surgeon or doctor at the hospital.

A STITCH is also the movement of the needle when sewing, knitting or crocheting.


This is grandma STITCHING.




So the term snitches get stitches simple means, that an informant or a tattletale, that tells on you at the police, will be the target of violence.



(think of the movie “The Godfather” and insert your best Mafia voice here)

You better run Tom, after telling on me like that, you know that snitches get stitches.

Anyone ever tell you snitches get stitches | UsingEnglish.com ESL Forum


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Snitches get stitches

This is an idiom and is often used in slang (informal language).

It is never used in business or formal English.


A snitch is a person

A stitch refers to medical treatment (to close a cut)

Intended meaning:
'Snitches get stitches' is meant as a threat to someone.

If you tell the police (or mom) I will hurt you and you will need to get medical treatment. The speaker wants you to keep your mouth shut and not tell anyone.

Examples in use

Scenario: My parents do not like my sister's new boyfriend. They tell her not to see him anymore. I see her with him a few days later. I threaten to tell our parents that I have seen her with him.

She responds: "Sister, be careful. You know snitches get stitches!"

Is she really going to cut me (with a knife) or is she telling me in strong language that she will be very angry if I tell our parents?

She probably won't physically hurt me, this is warning that she will be angry.

Scenario 2: I see a man murdered. The killer sees me and says:

"Snitches get stitches!".

Is he really going to kill me if I go the police? Yes, he might do this. He is telling me to keep my mouth shut and not to tell anyone.

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This phrase is said mostly in USA.

What does "snitches get stiches mean"

First we have to understand what a snitch is and what a stich is.

A snitch is someone who tells an authority about something someone else did.

For example, if your sibling (brother or sister) broke a plate in your home and your mom or dad didn't know, but you and your sibling obviously do. If your parents knew a plate was broken, they may be upset and punish you or your sibling. If you tell your parents that your sibling broke a plate, you would be a snitch.

Stiches are something you get when you are injured badly. If you cut yourself by mistake and it is so bad that you need to go to the hospital for the doctor to fix it. The doctor may use stiches to thread the cut closed. (stiches is are thread for your body, thread is like cotton material used to fix clothes, but stiches are usually made of nylon)


So, the phrase snitches get stiches is used when someone warns you that if you tell an authority about something they did wrong or bad, they will do something bad to you which will require you to get stiches.

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😣😣You might hear this is movies,

I hope you don't hear it in real life


If you have a deep cut on your skin that won't heal by itself, the wound needs to be closed by a doctor. This medical procedure is called getting stitches.

Stitch PNG Images | Vector and PSD Files | Free Download on Pngtree


A snitch is someone who tells the police or authorities about something other people have done wrong. It's also a verb, to snitch.

Snitches get stitches means...

If someone tells the police about the crime (like who did it, or what they saw), then that person will get hurt badly enough to need snitches from the doctor.

We can also say, the snitch will 'get beat up'. To be hurt and wounded. by another person.

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What does snitches get stitches mean? It is a term used by American outlaws to talk about people who will talk to the authorities' about another outlaw.

Don't be a snitch...

To be a "Snitch" in an American prison is a VERY dangerous thing. People who are known to talk to the correction officers about a fellow inmates personal business usually end up meeting very violent ends. If you are a "snitch" in a biker gang or a gangsta clique and your "Homies" find out. Not only will they kill you. They will kill your entire family and not think twice about it.

Example Sentence:

"teabag" ran his mouth about "Fat Frank". "He's a damn snitch." "Kill him".

snitches get stitches indeed...

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Snitches get stiches meaning

What does this mean....Snitches gets stiches means...

Snitches gets stiches means, that you will get beat badly for telling things that has no concern to you. This is a "street" saying to emphasis that even if you saw something you shouldn't tell what you saw. Going to the police or being an informant to the police can cost you your life.

Speaking about something that didn't involve you can get you hurt badly.

Billy saw the gang fighting and went and told the detective who beat the boy. In retaliation, the gang beat Billy badly for being a snitch. He had a huge cut in his head therefore he received stiches.

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Riley | 居加拿大資料科學家 | 基礎英語 | 英語會話 | 英語文法

Snitches get stitches is a phrase used in modern language describing a threat if someone informs on them or another party. The term has its most common use in street culture, and it’s also in many movies and music, particularly rap music.

The “snitch” in the phrase is the informant, usually confessing to authorities like the police. However, the modern use of the term means that the snitch could be snitching to their parents, school teacher, or any symbol of authority in the societal hierarchy.

Stitches” refers to the beating the person will receive if they decide to proceed with their actions and inform the authorities of the person or other party’s activities. When a person receives a severe injury, they require stitches to help the healing process.

The phrase comes from urban neighborhoods in large cities, and it initially had a violent threat to it between gang members. However, with the sayings adoption into pop culture, there is less threat behind it, and it’s more of just a verbal warning to someone.

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This phrases has a dark origin, but it mainly used for fun among friends.

The literal meaning is that if you say something about the wrong thing the group is doing (snitch) you will be hurt or killed by the rest of the group (get stitches). However, it is mostly used as a way of saying "Let's not tell anyone about this. We are all friends and friends don't tell on each other."

"Remember to not tell anyone about this. Snitches get stitches." "Don't worry. I won't tell anyone. Snitches get stitches.

Can still be a threat

Though the phrase can still be used as an open threat in some settings. (Like prisons), it is mainly used in jest.

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What does "Snitches Get Stitches" mean?

Snitches and stiches meaning:

Snitches are people who tell someone else (usually an authority figure) such as a policeman what you have done wrong.

Stitches are what you get when you cut yourself badly and need to go to the doctor or hospital to get your cut 'closed' up with a needle and thread.

But what does it mean?

This phrase means that the person who snitches (tells someone in charge what you have done) will also get in trouble, maybe not from the police, but by people you know so they can get revenge for you getting in trouble.

Some examples could be:

"Forget what you just saw, remember... Snitches get stitches"

“I know what they say... snitches get stitches.”

“I don't know anything! I don't want to go to prison, I know snitches get stitches.”

In conclusion

'Snitches get stitches' is a sort of threat which is supposed to lower the chances of someone snitching on you for what you have done wrong so you can get away with it.

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Idiom (a group of words, that does not mean exactly how they are said)


A phrase used in modern language describing a threat if someone tells on them or another party

I will do something bad to you if you tell anyone what I have done.

Don't tell Sally that I took her lunch money, remember snitches get stitches!

I am only going to say this once... Snitches get stitches... think about it before you tell others about what I did.

You mustn't tell the police about this, snitches get stitches, remember?

Snitches get stitches is used as a threat. It is not recommended to be used in general conversation.

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If you are a snitch it means you gossip (tell tales)

Snitch - to see something that somebody does wrongly and then tell it to another person.


If somebody sees you doing something and then wants to tell on you, they are called a snitch. Another word used is a tattle tale! Snitches get stitches means that if you do this, you must face what happens when they hear about it. (called repercussions)

I know you cheated in the exam - you better not tell the teacher remember, snitches get stitches. (you better be careful if you tell what I might do to you).

I saw you eating all the cake and I will tell Mum. Be careful you know snitches get stitches.


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Snitches get stitches.

What does "snitches get stitches" mean?

Let's go back and look into each important word.

What is a snitch?

A snitch would be classed as a betrayer or someone who does not adhere to the code of friendship.

It is a common English catchphrase that means that if a person "tells on" another person they will be due for consequences.


If Tom and Sarah are really good friends and have trusted each other with many things through the years and Tom decides to do something that could maybe influence someone else or maybe he decides to do something that just wouldn't be considered good. If Sarah knows about the thing that Tom does and she decides to tell someone else about what Tom has done even thought he trusted her with the secret, Sarah would be considered a snitch.


Tom could turn to Sarah and politely say "snitches get stitches" meaning that because of her betrayal there will be a consequence, maybe they will no longer be friends or maybe Tom has a secret about Sarah and plans to get revenge.

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"snitches get stitches" is a threat

It's an idiom that means the following:

People who tell on others end up with consequences (such as injury)

A “snitch” is a betrayer. “Stitches” (stitching) refers to the actual process of closing the wound.

The catchphrase can be applied to both serious situations (threatening an informant of the police) and mild, innocent situations (a child stealing another kids favorite stick, who then tells on the thief).

Here are some examples:

“I’m not telling you what happened; snitches get stitches.”

“You know what they say; snitches get stitches.”

“I can’t tell you what I know; snitches get stitches.”

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What does snitches mean?

To snitch is to tattle or give information about someone. A snitch is someone who tattles or informs about someone. If you snitch on your sibling when he "borrows" five dollars without asking, he might call you a snitch.



·        betrayer,

·        informant,

·        informer,

What does stitch mean? There are 2 definitions:

1 : to use a needle and thread to close a large cut or wound The doctor stitched up his wound.







sew up



2 British slang: when  an innocent person appears to be guilty of a crime : They stitched him up for stealing the five dollars.

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Used as a threat.

If a person talks about a secret to someone else it is regarded or described as "tattling" or "snitching". Usually, if a snitch goes and tattletales on someone then the other person will come back to hurt them because they didn't keep their secret.

A snitch is a word that refers to an adult informant, a person who reports a crime to the police. Snitch can be used as a noun or a verb. It is also regarded as an insult to someone because they can't keep a secret.

A tattletale is someone who tells on someone else, for example going to their parents or a teacher. Tattling is used as a verb to describe someone (such as a child) who tells secrets about what someone else has done.

Although it may seem like a natural reaction for many children to want to tell on someone when they do something wrong, tattling is usually frowned upon (disliked) by most kids, parents, and teachers. When you tattle, you're inserting yourself into a situation that most likely doesn't and shouldn't involve you.

Don't tell anyone our secret or I'll punish you! - Remember, snitches get stitches.

All uses of this phrase are intended to be negative and very insulting.

Most commonly this phase is said to someone as a threat, that if they tell anyone what happened they will do harm to them or hurt them.

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Don't tell the police or you'll get hurt

The phrase "snitches get stitches" is a common phrase used in urban areas such as London, particularly in places where there is a lot of crime. It's told as a reminder to keep the police out of the neighbourhood's business. It's also intended to be a threat to deter people from reporting illegal things or seeking help from the police.

Check out these examples

A snitch- It was Tony who sold me the drugs officer
Tony- You better not blab to the police because snitches get stitches

A snitch- I told the police where to find Jenny they're looking for her.

Mark- Why did you do that for? Snitches get stitches.

Don't tattletale or you will be punished

Be careful what you say to the police and remember if you snitch on someone you might get beaten up for telling on them.

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🤛🏼This is a figure of speech (idiom)🥊

🤓Snitch = a person who reports someone to an authority figure

🪡Stitch = a string used to close a cut on your body

What does it mean?

You will get hurt if you tell on me🤬

⬇️For example⬇️

🤑I just stole the teacher's cell phone, I'm going to sell it and buy beer at the local bar.''

" Oh, no! I'm going to tell her- it's just wrong. I can't believe you're a thief''😯

''I wouldn't do that if I were you. Ya know what happens to people like you, huh? I'll tell ya, and it ain't pretty...

🥊 - Snitches get stitches."🥊🤕

⬇️To conclude⬇️

You'd probably hear this phrase in a movie🎥

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Snitches Get Stitches – Meaning and Usage

Is your brother about to “snitch” on you to your parents about breaking the window with the baseball? If you want him to shut up, you could always give him the verbal threat of “snitches get stitches.”

Essentially, you’re telling him there will be severe consequences for his actions later. The chances are you hear this phrase around from time to time.

Snitches Get Stitches Meaning

Snitches get stitches is a phrase used in modern language describing a threat if someone informs on them or another party. The term has its most common use in street culture, and it’s also in many movies and music, particularly rap music.

The “snitch” in the phrase is the informant, usually confessing to authorities like the police. However, the modern use of the term means that the snitch could be snitching to their parents, school teacher, or any symbol of authority in the societal hierarchy.

Stitches” refers to the beating the person will receive if they decide to proceed with their actions and inform the authorities of the person or other party’s activities. When a person receives a severe injury, they require stitches to help the healing process.

The phrase comes from urban neighborhoods in large cities, and it initially had a violent threat to it between gang members. However, with the sayings adoption into pop culture, there is less threat behind it, and it’s more of just a verbal warning to someone.

Snitches Get Stitches Example Usage

“I’m not telling you what happened, officer; snitches get stitches.”

“Don’t you know snitches get stitches, man?”

“Shut up, man, snitches get stitches.”

“You know what they say; snitches get stitches.”

“I can’t tell you what I know; I can’t go to prison; snitches get stitches.”

Acceptable Ways to Phrase Snitches Get Stitches

You can use the phrase “snitches get stitches” in social settings or where you’re being interviewed as a community member or suspect by law enforcement or another authority.

However, in law enforcement situations, it’s going to make you look disrespectful to the interviewing officer, and they’ll treat you as hostile. It’s better for use in social situations between friends when you’re trying to make people laugh.

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