For years I have wanted to learn Chinese. My best friend is Taiwanese. We met at university. Her parents came to visit and my friend had to translate everything for me. I just wanted to be able to understand them and for them to understand me. I felt ashamed that I could not understand them. That is when my chinese journey began. I tried many chinese apps and had a few lessons whilst studying at uni. None of it had a routine so I didnt stick to it. There was no personal connection and I couldnt really see any growth.
I joined amazing talker and I can see my growth each week. I have an amazing teacher Jason ;) pardon the pun. I can now not only hold a conversation in chinese but also sing in chinese. I am having so much fun learning and can now fulfill my dream of speaking chinese. Jason has even given me a chinese name!
My friend from Taiwan has not heard my Chinese yet so I will surprise her when eveything is back to normal and I get to see her again. I am also going to sing to her, not sure if she will enjoy that (I dont have the greatest voice) but I sure will give it a good go!
We can all achieve our goals and dreams, amazing talker gave me the routine I needed. Having weekly lessons with an actual person really helps me to keep on track.
Yours 絜玉
PS apologies for the posy photo ;)
Language is beautiful
이야기 속의 선생님
제이슨✨10원 그룹수업 기간한정 판매중🎉경력20년✨유명학교교사✨중국어교사 면접관✨HSK, TOCFL, 간체자와 번체자 교육
👍아름다운 아이비리그 선생님들(TOCFL, HSK)
영어C1 상급
중국어원어민 수준
구글 번역 결과
👍아름다운 아이비리그 선생님들(TOCFL, HSK)
영어C1 상급
중국어원어민 수준
구글 번역 결과 Jason의 교육 채널 구독을 환영합니다.
✨미국 New Ivy League School에서 가르치기 위해 장학금을 받았습니다.
✨전 아메리칸 대학교 중국 면접관
✨대만중국어학회 논문게재
✨미국 학생들이 대만에서 공부하기 위해 대만 중국 장학금을 신청하도록 성공적으로 도왔습니다.
✨어메이징토커 플랫폼 현직 초등학교 교사, 대학교 중국어 강사, 3년차 선배 교사
✨교수, 의사, 관리자, 5세 어린이 등 전 세계 학생들에게 간체 및 번체 문자를 가르친 경험이 있는 26년의 중국어 교육 자격.
✨학생들이 TOCFL 중급 및 고급 레벨과 HSK 레벨 6 시험을 통과하여 대만과 중국에서 취업할 수 있도록 지원합니다.
✨다양한 교수법, 맞춤형 교육, 활기차고 흥미로운 수업, 절대 지루하지 않음
✨특기 : 홍콩식 발음 교정 수업, 고전 문학 수업, 어린이 그림책 수업, 중학교 시험 수업, 초등학교 작문 수업, 성인 HSK 및 TOCFL 시험 수업.
4 개 댓글
- Hello, 絜玉! I love your story! I also uploaded an article related to my English journey in NZ. If you like it, please give me a heart so that I may win the contest in December, thank you! Here is the link:
- I can feel you! I felt stuck when learning Indonesian via apps, so I turned to Amazing talker for help. And same here! I have seen obvious growth after joining Amazing Talker:) I will stick with learning Indonesian to become a counselor that can help Indonesian workers and immigrants. Welcome to read my story:)
- I am glad to know you achieve your goal and dream.
- How touching the article is! In my perspective, you also have a kind and beautiful soul! I seldom hear that someone would learn Chinese for their friends, so you really cherish this friendship very much! It means that I will give you more opportunities to learn Chinese well so that you will speak to your best friend in Chinese someday! Let’s go,絜玉!