Giving a Speech in Japanese

In my first year of learning Japanese, all Japanese classes got an email by our university about a speech contest hosted by a location of the Japanese embassy in my home country.
I was very much excited to take part in it, but since I just started learning a new language, my Japanese was barely enough to exchange a few sentences.
So I set a goal: "Next year, I will give it my all and will take part in the contest!"

Then, covid hit.

We did not get notified about the competition.

A year passed by.

Then another...

And when I had nearly forgotten about it, there it was: A mail sitting in my inbox, informing me about the speech contest!!!
Of course I signed up right away and researched some topics I could talk about.
Since the time limit was 5 minutes, I came up with the idea of talking about how the waste disposal and recycling system of Germany works, since my friends asked me about it all the time when they came to visit.
With the kind help of my university professor Adachi Sensei and the support of Takako Sensei from AT I was finally able to refine, record and submit my speech.

Although I did not manage to be in the top 10, I was so happy that I even managed to write and record a full official speech after all the time waiting. The embassy even surprised me with a small gift they send me: A tote bag and a Japanese magazine.

If you ever have an opportunity you think you would enjoy taking, please go through with it. It made me feel like I truly accomplished something.

In case you wish to read the speech, here it is:







ゴミの分別は異なる種類の廃棄物を別々に集め、後で環境にやさしい方法で処理またはリサイクルすることを目的としたシステムです。ドイツでは異なる種類の廃棄物がいくつかあり、それぞれを別のゴミ回収(かいしゅう)容器(ようき) に分ける必要があります。


ゴミの分別により、大量のゴミをリサイクルして再利用することができ、環境負荷を軽減し、資源を節約することができます。リサイクルされたゴミは リサイクルされていないゴミよりも費用がかからないため、廃棄物処理のコストを削減する手段 でもあります。

ゴミを分別するのはもちろん時々難しい場合があります。特に、どのゴミをどのゴミ回収容器に入れたらいいのか、分からない場合です。しかし、廃棄物の収集日程(しゅうしゅうにってい) が書いてあるカレンダーやチラシ、オンラインポータルなど、私たちを支援する多くの情報源(じょうほうげん) があります。また、住民や友人に相談することで、どの廃棄物をどのゴミ回収容器に入れるのかを確認することもできます。



以上で、スピーチを終わります。 皆さん、ご清聴ありがとうございました。

Thank you for reading!

Photo by Mikhail Nilov:

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