The best and funniest teacher in the world: Teacher Alley.

Teacher Alley is the best teacher in the world. Recently, we are doing the pronunciation practice. For example, the “br”, “cr”, “dr”, etc. Teacher Alley makes all of the lessons full of laughters. She has been making her customised materials since my trial. Teacher Alley’s customised materials are definitely based on our needs. Her classes included all English strategies, such as pronunciation, listening, reading comprehension, grammar, writing, speaking, writing exercises. Also, Teacher Alley will give us extra materials for reading comprehension and tests when it comes to our exam. Teacher Alley will mark our writings. She is also absolutely an experienced teacher. She will use her experience to prove that how important to learn English. Thank you so much Teacher Alley, see you soon. Here recommend to students who would love to have customised materials, and get her busy Teacher Alley thank you for your teaching through these 50 and more classes.

이야기 속의 선생님

회화 문법 교정
/ 50분
/ 체험수업
영어원어민 수준
구글 번역 결과
회화 문법 교정
영어원어민 수준
구글 번역 결과
📸 기초/초등/비즈니스/면접/연설, 문법, 어휘 등 유창함이 필요하신가요? 🏆앨리 선생님의 수업에 참여하여 영어에 자신감을 가져보세요! 🎞️영어 전문가; 대중 연설자; 교정자. 구체적인 학습 목표와 관심 분야를 준비하세요. 👨🏼‍💼 20년 영어 교육 경력; 학생과 성인

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