Unable to learn a language or not learning the right language?

Learning a language is hard. The syllables claw at your tongue, and new words like to play hide and seek in your mind. When I first began learning languages, it began not out of desire but because it was a high school requirement. Although I wanted to learn French and get an A in my class, there always seemed to be obstacles. The words were too hard to remember, French people spoke too fast, the sentence structure was confusing, and learning feminine and masculine objects was too much. There was always some wall that was preventing me from reaching my goal. I felt stupid. My classmates were getting it, so why wasn't I? I should have learned French in four years, yet even today, I am at a low intermediate level. After I decided I wanted to learn Korean, I realized that I wasn't stupid, and all those walls I thought were stopping me from learning were obstacles I had built myself. I wasn't passionate about learning French. My first reason for learning French was because I had to...it was a school requirement. The reasons were to get an A and lastly to learn French. Learning the language was a collateral benefit rather than the reason I was taking French. The problem was my priorities weren't right. With Korean, however, I'm learning because I love the language. I love the way it sounds and feels in my mouth when I speak! Additionally, I enjoy learning the culture behind the language. While I still have setbacks, such as remembering vocabulary words or having to brush up on grammar rules, I'm actually learning the language, and I'm confident that one day I can become fluent.

이야기 속의 선생님

🙋온라인 전문 강사
/ 50분
/ 체험수업
한국어원어민 수준
영어C2 고급
🙋온라인 전문 강사
한국어원어민 수준
영어C2 고급
중국어A2 초급
🇰🇷 안녕하세요! 한국인 원어민 선생님 소라Sora쌤 입니다! ✨쉽고 재밌게 한국어를 배우면서 한국문화에 대해서 같이 얘기해요! :) 🙋🏻‍♀️ 서울대학교 한국어교원 양성과정 수료 👩🏻‍🎓 한국에서 태어남, 서울시립대 영문과 졸업 ❤️유창한 한국어와 영어 + 스페인어, 중국어 ❤️발음 교정 & 문법 & TOPIK

6 개 댓글

  • You seem to be enjoying Korean very well
    That's amazing
    I think enjoying something can make you keep going!
    That's very impressive that you like the way 한글 sounds and feels in your mouth when I speak :)
    When you have any Korean questions, just message me!
  • I really enjoyed your Korean study story. I hope you can communicate with more people and enjoy it by studying Korean. Because there are so many good people in Korea! I hope we can meet again if we are meant to be. Actually, I am teaching Korean, too. If you have any questions about Korean culture or travel food, please feel free to ask! I'll be waiting
  • I'm soooooo glad you enjoy learning Korean with me! :D You are such a lovely and bright student 💜Hope you enjoy the journey of learning Korean all the way 🇰🇷😍💜
  • great....exactly what we expect from a great teacher like SORA
  • Awesome. Enjoy your learning journey.
  • Congratulations Teacher and Student!